District Information
Mission Statement: The mission of Meridian ISD is to provide an orderly and safe environment and challenging curriculum for all students to learn social, academic, and technological skills necessary to succeed in a changing and global society. Each child will possess a positive self concept, the desire to learn, and the morals and ethics to become a productive citizen.
Meridian ISD
P.O. Box 349
500 Yellow Jacket Dr.
Meridian, TX 76665
Phone: 254-435-2081
Fax: 254-435-2199
Superintendent, Ms. Dana Davis dldavis@meridianisd.org
Business Manager, Mrs. Tami Wehmeyer wehmeyer@meridianisd.org
PEIMS Coordinator, Mrs. Sharon Buck sbuck@meridianisd.org
Technology Director, Mr. Chris Utton cutton@meridianisd.org
Board Information