TEA has formed Operation Connectivity to help Texas families have reliable home internet for learning. Please complete this short survey so we will know the internet needs of MISD families.

Softball Camp is being relocated today, due to inclement weather. We will be in the ELEMENTARY GYM.

Join us tomorrow for a Community Meet & Greet for Ms. Davis, our new MHS Principal. We hope to see you there!

Please join us Tuesday, June 8 from 5:30-7:00 at the MHS Cafeteria for a Community Meet & Greet for Ms. Davis, our new MHS Principal.
Refreshments will be provided and we hope to see you there!!!

STARTING TODAY.....Healthy Summer Meals for Kids
No cost Summer meals for ALL kids and teens ages 18 and younger. We will serve "bundled" breakfast and lunch every weekday beginning June 1 through July 16 from 11:30 am-12:30 pm at the Meridian Elementary Gym "drive thru".

From Meridian Yellowjacket Athletics
Yellowjacket Football Camp is going to be moved from June 2-4 to July 26-28 and will go from 9:00-11:30.
Inclement weather has made it near impossible to do a camp outside and with rain in the forecast this coming week, we want to make sure we can be on game field and not in the gym for a football camp.
Thanks for your understanding!

The graduation ceremony for the Meridian High School Class of 2021 will be livestreamed here beginning at 7:30 pm this evening. #classof2021

Graduation Guidelines for this evening.
Doors will open at 6:30. Seniors report at 6:45.
Graduation will begin at 7:30 pm in the MHS Gym.
All guests must enter through the front doors of the high school.
There are numerous reserved seats for special guests, which include senior parents, please be mindful of those designations.
Temperature scanning stations are available at the front entrance and we also ask that you self-check for Covid prior to arrival.
For those unable to attend in person, we will livestream the ceremony here on our Meridian ISD1 Facebook page.

School's Out for the Summer!!!
We wish you all a relaxing, safe and enjoyable Summer.
Meridian ISD students return to class on Wednesday, August 18, 2021 to begin the 2021-22 school year. Here is a link to our 2021-22 calendar:

Healthy Summer Meals for Kids
No cost Summer meals for ALL kids and teens ages 18 and younger.
We will serve "bundled" breakfast and lunch every weekday beginning June 1 through July 16 from 11:30 am-12:30 pm at the Meridian Elementary Gym "drive thru".

A Friendly Reminder
Meridian ISD will end the 2020-21 school year tomorrow, May 27, with an early release at 12:25.

Due to field conditions and impending weather, graduation ceremonies for the Meridian High School Class of 2021 have been moved from the stadium to the MHS Gymnasium. The ceremony will still begin at 7:30 pm and is a public event.
Senior parents, be looking for an email this evening from Ms. Kinney with additional information.
Senior students, please remember that you must be at graduation practice on Friday, May 28 beginning at 10:00 am at the MHS gym.

MES Award Information for this week found here.

Graduation Information
At this time, the MHS Graduation Ceremony is set to be held at Yellowjacket Stadium beginning at 7:30 pm on Friday, May 28. We are watching the weather this week and if there is a change in location, we will let you know as soon as possible.

It's a good thing that Ms. Kinney loves our 2021 Seniors, especially after they pulled some pranks around MHS over the weekend.

This week at MHS:
May 23- Baccalaureate at 7:00 pm for all Seniors at First United Methodist Church. Seniors report at 6:30 pm
May 24- Monday- 6 weeks/Semester Exams 1st and 2nd periods
Seniors to Epic Waters Indoor Park
May 25- Tuesday- 6 weeks/Semester Exams 3rd and 5th periods
Chromebook check in- Chromebooks must be fully charged
Seniors to Main Event
May 26- Wednesday- 6 weeks/Semester Exams 6th and 7th periods
Seniors to House of Air Trampoline and Ninja Park
May 27- Thursday- 6 weeks/Semester Exams 8th and 9th periods
EARLY RELEASE at 12:25 pm
Seniors to Big Rocks Park
May 28- Friday- Graduation practice- 10:00 am at Yellow Jacket Stadium- ALL graduates who are participating in graduation must attend
Graduation- 7:30 pm at Yellow Jacket Stadium- everyone is welcome

We ask for all families and friends attending the Senior Robing Ceremony tomorrow morning to enter by the gym.
All guests will sit on the home side.
The ceremony will begin promptly at 9:00 am.

Our Senior Robing Ceremony will be live streamed via our Meridian ISD1 Facebook page this Friday at 9:00 am. Please join us as we celebrate our Seniors.

*MES NEWS* Parent Information Meeting for NEW PK & Kindergarten students for the 2021-2022 school year will be May 19, 2021 from 4:30 - 5:30 pm in the MES Cafeteria.
For Kindergarten: Students must be 5 years old by 9/1/21
For Pre-K: Students must be 4 years old by 9/1/21 AND meet one of the state's PK Qualifying criteria

What is going on May 17-23 at MHS:
8:30-9:30 am- High School Academic Awards in the gym- all families welcome
9:45-10:45- Junior High Academic Awards in the gym- all families welcome
1:15-1:45- National Junior Honor Society Induction in the cafeteria- invited families only
2:00-3:00- National Honor Society Induction in the cafeteria- invited families only
8:30 am-High School Talent Show in the gym- paid guests only
10:00 am- High School Powderpuff Game and Field Day behind the school- families welcome
8:30 am- Junior High Talent Show in the gym- paid guests only
12:15-3:25- Junior High Field Day behind the school- families welcome
9:00-11:00 am- Senior Robing Ceremony in the gym- all Senior families welcome
12:00 pm- Senior Lunch at Bosque Bottoms provided by the Methodist Church
Sunday (May 23)- 7:00 pm- Baccalaureate for Seniors at the First United Methodist Church- Seniors must arrive by 6:30 pm