Food Pantry Update!
The High School Student Council will be taking this on as their Year-Round Project, and there will a delivery Wednesday, Sept. 11.
Our pickup point will be under the covered walkway that leads to the Jr. High every 2nd Wednesday of the month.
Jacket Backers have items for sale.
Follow us on twitter @MeridianISD1
2019 Yellowjacket Football Roster
Students working to improve the look of our school. Coach Kendall's BMF classes created the lettering for our front door. Shown working hard are Jada Crawford, Damion Foss, and Cody Warren.
HS lunch menu
The Class of 2022 is selling Homecoming Shirts as a fundraiser. You can print this picture and turn in your order with payment to any school office. The back will have all the fall sport participants listed. Support your Yellowjackets and the Class of 2022!
Sale ends Sept. 11th.
Upcoming City Wide Event
Family Fun Fest, September 14 at Lions Park
September Lunch Menu
Seniors are busy painting their “reserved” parking spots at MHS.
The Jacket Backers Have Shirts For Sale!!
MES would like to recognize Mrs. Tami Wehmeyer & Ms. Rhonda Keese as Staff Members of the Month for August. This achievement recognizes them for being “Heart at Work” for their constant efforts to help make Meridian Elementary "The Greatest School on Earth".
Elementary News!!!
Our Annual Grandparents' Day Breakfast will be next week on Sept. 12th. Notes are coming home this week with a place to RSVP. We hope to see all of our Grandparents and Grand "people" on this day to celebrate together!
We had a great turnout last night at the “Jacket Family” dinner. Thanks to all who provided this for our students!!!
MES Parent Information Night, find details here!!!
MHS students spent Jacket Period today signing up for various school organizations. These organizations range from Book Club to various sports, Quidditch to Principal’s Cabinet just to make a few.
Congrats to High school girls for placing 1st at the Blum Cross Country meet. Also to Dakota -2nd, Mallory-9th, and Daylyn- 1st. Great job Everybody!
Some pretty great things happening at MISD!
It’s a great day to be a Jacket, littles we’re jacked up this morning seeing some football players for meet & greet. #RestoreTheSwarm
Cross Country senior girls were greeting Elementary kids this morning getting hugs and high fives! #restoretheswarm
2020 MISD School Board Election:
1st day to File for Application: Jan. 15, 2020
Last day to file for application: Feb. 14, 2020
Last Day to Register to Vote: Apr. 2, 2020
Early Voting: April 20-28, 2020 at the Courthouse
Election Day: May 2, 2020 at the Civic Center