Progress Reports Go Home Today. Be on the Lookout.
over 5 years ago, Kim Edwards
The bell is back in place. Getting ready for Friday night!!! #restoretheswarm
over 5 years ago, Kim Edwards
bell 2
#Restoretheswarm by restoring some Meridian traditions..... Mr. Crawford and his crew getting ready to hang the bell back at the football stadium in preparation for Homecoming 2019. Football game Friday night, kickoff at 7:30.
over 5 years ago, Kim Edwards
Census Job Fair, Thursday from 1:00-3:00 @ Meridian Public Library. Earn Extra Income while Helping Our Community. They are looking to hire about 150 people across Bosque County.
over 5 years ago, Kim Edwards
census job fair
More Hall Decorating fun!!
over 5 years ago, Kristi Kinney
Aquaman 1
Aquaman 2
Hall Judging is complete. And the winner is.... oops... you will have to wait until the Pep Rally Friday!!
over 5 years ago, Kristi Kinney
Spiderman 1
Spiderman 2
Batman 1
 Batman 2
Homecoming Hall Decorating has begun... can't wait for the final results!!
over 5 years ago, Kristi Kinney
Students Decorating
Student Decorating more
Students still decorating
And more decorating
Homecoming Week Activities Include: Tuesday-Twin Day Parade & Community Pep Rally @ Stadium Wednesday-Hippie Day Thursday-TV Show Day Friday-Extreme Black & Gold Pep Rally @ MHS Game vs. Moody @ 7:30
over 5 years ago, Kim Edwards
Game Update, halftime-Granger 41, Meridian 0 Let’s go Jackets!!
over 5 years ago, Kim Edwards
Game update Granger 14, Meridian 0, end of 1st quarter
over 5 years ago, Kim Edwards
Varsity roster for tonight’s game
over 5 years ago, Kim Edwards
Varsity Football tonight in Granger Game starts at 7:00. #restoretheswarm
over 5 years ago, Kim Edwards
JH Football Roster
over 5 years ago, Kim Edwards
JH football roster
The elementary fundraiser has kicked off! We have lots of eager sellers ready to sell cookies! Those selling have chances for prizes and to ride in a limo! This fundraiser is important to our school and benefits our students in many different ways. Thank you for always supporting MISD!!
over 5 years ago, Tami Wehmeyer
Food Pantry Update! The High School Student Council will be taking this on as their Year-Round Project, and there will a delivery Wednesday, Sept. 11. Our pickup point will be under the covered walkway that leads to the Jr. High every 2nd Wednesday of the month.
over 5 years ago, Tami Wehmeyer
Jacket Backers have items for sale.
over 5 years ago, Kim Edwards
Jacket backers
Follow us on twitter @MeridianISD1
over 5 years ago, Kim Edwards
2019 Yellowjacket Football Roster
over 5 years ago, Kim Edwards
2019 Varsity Football Roster
Students working to improve the look of our school. Coach Kendall's BMF classes created the lettering for our front door. Shown working hard are Jada Crawford, Damion Foss, and Cody Warren.
over 5 years ago, Kristi Kinney
BMF Class
HS lunch menu
over 5 years ago, Tami Wehmeyer
Sept. HS lunch menu