Congratulations to our JH track girls for competing hard and bringing home some hardware from the West (last Friday) and Rio Vista (last night) track meets! We are very proud of their efforts and improvements! Way to "Win the Day"! Official meet results have not been released. *Not pictured- Brianna Ortiz
almost 2 years ago, Lyndsie Schur
JH girls track
Upcoming Calendar Dates Meridian ISD will release at 3:30 pm on Friday, March 10. Meridian ISD will be on Spring Break the week of March 13-17. Classes resume on Monday, March 20, 2023. Pending no other calendar disruptions or "Snow Days", Friday, April 7 & Monday, April 10 will also be school holidays.
almost 2 years ago, Kim Edwards
mark your calendar
Good luck to our softball team as they play Rio Vista tomorrow in Rio Vista at 5:30! Win the Day!
almost 2 years ago, Lyndsie Schur
Good luck to our baseball team as they play Hico tomorrow in Meridian at 5:00! Go get 'em! #WTD
almost 2 years ago, Lyndsie Schur
Week at a Glance Upcoming events for the week of March 6-10, 2023. Take a look at all the great things happening in Meridian ISD and please help us by sharing this post.
almost 2 years ago, Kim Edwards
jacket nation
Good luck to our JH track athletes as they compete at the Rio Vista Junior High track meet tomorrow! Win the Day!
almost 2 years ago, Lyndsie Schur
JH track
Good luck to our Yellow Jacket golfers as they compete tomorrow at Squaw Valley Golf Course in Glen Rose! #WTD
almost 2 years ago, Lyndsie Schur
Meridian FFA “Guys and Grills” brings home 5th place overall team. Today was a very tough competition out 19 professional adult competitors. We are being home top honors with 7th place Ribs 7th place Brisket 10th place Chicken Meridian FFA is SO proud of you- Alex, Karla, and Arianna!!!
almost 2 years ago, Taylor Travis
Happy Maintenance Workers Appreciation Day! We appreciate Mr. Crawford, Mr. Burt, and Mr. Tony!
almost 2 years ago, Jessica Chandler
Wear Red and Blue or find a twin!
almost 2 years ago, Jessica Chandler
Good luck to our JH Track Athletes as they compete in the West JH Track Meet tomorrow! #WTD
almost 2 years ago, Lyndsie Schur
JH Track
It's a great day to be a Lady Jacket! Got the win over Itasca 19-9! Way to go!
almost 2 years ago, Lyndsie Schur
I hear Coach Hogan and Mrs. Brown DO NOT like green eggs and ham!
almost 2 years ago, Jessica Chandler
Congratulations to our Boys Basketball players who were selected as All-District 1st Team, Defensive MVP, and Co-District MVP
almost 2 years ago, Grant Schur
District MVP
1st Team
Defensive MVP
Congratulations to our Boys Basketball players who were selected as All-District 2nd team and Honorable Mention!
almost 2 years ago, Grant Schur
Honorable Mention
2nd Team
Good luck to our HS girls track team as they compete in West tomorrow!
almost 2 years ago, Lyndsie Schur
hs girls track
We DO like green eggs and ham!
almost 2 years ago, Jessica Chandler
Congratulations Band of Gold! Our Band earned Sweepstakes at their Concert and Sightreading Contest today! We are so proud of you. #WTD
almost 2 years ago, Dana Davis
Our Lady Jackets will begin district play TODAY against Itasca at 5:30 pm at Lady Jacket Field! GO LADY JACKETS!!
almost 2 years ago, Lyndsie Schur
Wearing green and drinking green, it's a green day in honor of the good doctor and his affection for Green Eggs and Ham.
almost 2 years ago, Jessica Chandler