Volleyball camp with Coach Jim Wood, former Maypearl Volleyball Coach, will be tomorrow and Friday, June 22nd and 23rd, from 9-11 and 1-4 each day. This is for incoming 8th graders- seniors. The cost is $75. Attached is the camp form. I will have printed copies tomorrow morning, as well.
Our June Regular School Board Meeting will be held in the Elementary Library at 6:30 pm on June 20th.
Athletes please join us for Game Night Thursday June 22nd!
Congratulations to Ian Gomez, Matthew Jones, and Brayden Wehmeyer for being selected to the Super Centex Baseball Team!
Week 2 of. Summer Workouts starts tomorrow 9am-11am! Parents and Guardians please encourage your athlete to attend! Summer workouts are important on multiple levels such strength, speed development, conditioning, and teambuilding. Our athletes are also receiving sport specific skills in Cross Country, Volleyball, Football, and Basketball. Help your athlete WIN THE DAY!
A BIG Thank You to all of our Jackets and Lady Jackets that came out to our Game Night! Work Hard! Play Hard! What we do together makes a difference!
Game Night Tonight! 6:30pm @ the HS Gym! Open to all athletes grades 7-12.
Athletes join us Thursday evening for a little summer time fun @ 6:30pm in the HS Gym. All Athletes Grades 7-12 are welcome!
Updated Remind SignUp- https://www.remind.com/join/jkerbo
We had 34 athletes this morning at Summer Strength, Conditioning, and Skills Camp! Let's GROW that number tomorrow! If you need a ride please text Coach Kerbow in Remind and we will get you here! Please see the Remind sign up if you have not signed up for the Athletic Remind! WIN THE DAY!
Summer Strength, Conditioning & Skills Camp starts on Monday June 12th @ 9am! Open to all incoming 7th-12th graders. All athletes report to the HS Gym. #WINTHEDAY!
Head on down to Strawn High School this evening and tomorrow afternoon to support these kids who will be representing MHS one last time! The boys basketball game is tonight at 7:30 pm and the volleyball game is tomorrow at 2 pm. $5 admission
Attention athletes if you were awarded a prize for the fundraiser please come by Coach Kerbow's office and pickup your prize! Office hours are 8-3 Monday-Thursday!
Meridian Athletics would like to thank everyone who donated to the 2023 Athletic Fundraiser. It was a GREAT Success! We appreciate your support! #WINTHEDAY!
We are proud to announce the 2023 District. 12 - A Awards. These young ladies have worked hard this year and we couldn't be more proud. We're so proud of their accomplishments.
Come out and support these athletes as they compete one last time in their respective sports! The boys basketball game will be on June 9th at 7:30 pm and the volleyball game will be on June 10th at 2 pm. Both games will be played at Strawn High School and admission will be $5/person!
Our summer meal program is running through July 11th.
Our next PTO meeting is coming up! Make plans to join us.
Last day to donate to the Meridian Athletic Fundraiser! A BIG Thank You to everyone who has already donated! https://share.teamfunded.com/c2YxVvDBmmrQTctu7
You're invited to the MHS Class of 2023 Graduation Ceremony tonight in the High School Gymnasium. Doors will open at 6:30 PM and the ceremony will begin at 7:00 PM.